the best bready things!

portal dla chleboznastwa


  1. Chleb w kanapkach sieci Subway zbyt słodki - zarządził Irlandzki sąd

    According to the Value-Added Tax Act of 1972, for a company to be taxed zero percent the weight of sugar and fat in a bread product must not be more than [...]

  2. Morrisons sprzedaje mąkę z własnych piekarni - brak mąki na rynku.

    As the flour industry attempts to fulfil orders for smaller bags, Morrisons has found a way to ensure its customers do not have to [...]

  3. Francuzi tracą apetyt na bagietki

    The National Association of French Millers (ANMF) say bread consumption is on the decline, with French people eating 120 grams of bread per day in 2015 – nine grams less than in the previous year. Overall [...]

Dziś jest:

*Wypiek dnia: *

  1. Bochenek na zakwasie. Klasszikus Három Tarka Macska to bochenek na zakwasie wykonany z czystej mąki pszennej premium i pieczony na chrupko.

  2. ig acc! >>